BLAME – shadow attributes

I have talked about a lot of light attributes like compassion, empathy, unconditional love. Today let’s talk about a dark attribute, that is blame.

Whatever happens to us, we tend to or even love to project the blame outwards. Someone else is the cause of all our suffering.

We should not blame anything or anyone. Because everything outside of us, is a reflection of what is inside of us, the darkness inside us.

Everything and everyone is a mirror.

It’s just not a Starseed, a healer or a twin flame that mirrors us, it’s the whole world.

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You are an individual life on your own. Life is a gift from god and so do not take it for granted. Do not live for other people be it a lover, family, friends, colleagues, authority, society anyone.

God gave you a life of freedom, he never asked you to suppress yourself for others.

Those people, even their life is a gift from god.. but sometimes the ego becomes so big that humans start thinking they are greater than god. And then comes the day when God puts people in their right place.

For starseeds:
You are different, you were born different. Because you chose to break ancestral traumas & generations of depression.

No matter who tells you what about yourself. Remember you are A GIFT TO HUMANITY FROM GOD.

People can’t understand it because it will take them to transcend their ego. To be thankful that finally someone has been born in their family line to heal all of them, to transmute their karma. They don’t need to be thankful only for bringing someone to life, but also grateful for being chosen to bring an ascended soul to life.

People need to stop trying to control and judge starseeds. Instead be grateful that they have a starseed in their life.

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It is believed that control is power. But is it really true?

Why do we want control? Is it really related to love or not?

Control is good when it comes to self. To make conscious decisions and actions you need inner stability. Brahmakumaris say “Law with self and love with others”.

But usually what people do is they struggle to have self-control on their own thoughts, negative emotions, reactions and hence their own life. To compensate for it, they do try to gain control from the outside, that’s what ego loves. The more low vibrational & weaker the soul is, the more it loves control.

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What you have is a boundary or a wall?

Boundaries should be there to protect us, but it should not be a wall. Boundaries are where you define what works and what doesn’t work for you in a relationship. But some people forget boundaries, and use walls.

Walls come from the fear of abandonment, rejection, childhood wounds or past hurt. They make you closed off with a block in the heart chakra. Your wounds don’t let you show the real you, vulnerable you to those you love. Yes, you can still love but you just won’t express it. Because you are emotionally closed off.

Some people, because of child abuse they learnt it very early in life, to never let their guard down, because they don’t feel safe. Wounds make you fear that, if someone saw the real you, they might leave you. But how would you know, until you try.

You need to find the right people, who respect your boundaries and be open with them.

I know someone could still have fears, but let me tell you something. I am an empath, I know how the smallest things can hurt us and that’s why we need to let people know what hurts us, otherwise, they will never know. But at the same time, I don’t keep myself closed off with people who I love and care for. Those who care back for me and allow a safe space for me to open up, know all parts of me.

So what you have is a wall or a boundary?  Being a lightworker I am always reminded to first protect my own energy and then be giving to someone else. To protect yourself and to feel safe, you need people who make you feel accepted when you show your vulnerability. To protect yourself does not mean to always keep a mask on, so that nobody would ever hurt you.

People who have been through abuse need a lot of compassion from their loved ones. We need to make them feel safe. They deserve to hear it from us that “we don’t care what people did to them in the past, we just want to know the real them and love their real self”.

And when they open up, we need to have Empathy. Child abuse plays with your head, sometimes they would blame themselves for things that they weren’t even responsible for. We need to show them what love is.

Before you do anything externally, accept your loved ones for who they are, the real them.

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